LNG Bus to be Commercialized
2010-09-06 26040
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Production of automobiles fueled by LNG (Liquefied Natural Gas) has now become possible in Korea. In August 24th, a road test of Daewoo LNG intercity bus was held sucessfullty from Kimpo city to Daejon city(400km distance).

Consequently, a considerable degree of contribution is expected to be made in reducing air pollution if large-sized diesel emitters that pump out an immense amount of pollutants into the air, such as express buses or trucks, are switched to LNG vehicles.

The Ministry of Commerce, Industry and Energy disclosed on Wednesday that criteria for fuel gears, manufacture and inspection for LNG fueled cars have been passed by the gas safety technology council and will be promulgated on September 6.

Manufacturing environment-friendly LNG fueled cars is technically possible even now, but they had only been produced for experiment or research purposes due to the absence of safety standards.

2010-10-08 36511
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